>>3965526I've had many successfully developed rolls before, it's not that I can't do it. But I was too tired. Many things went wrong. First, in camera, the film was not advancing correctly; there are many overlapping frames. Second, I was using the new changing bag I bought for the second time, and forgot to close it properly (did only the zipper, not the velcro). Halfway through asked my brother to close the velcro. Third, I had an awful time getting the film on the reel, for some weird reason. So I was there, hands in the dark bag in frustration for a good 15 minutes, then went to the toilet and finished the job there and probably got some more light on the film. Fourth, I had 2 reels in the tank, one with this 35mm roll and a 110-modded one with a little strip of respooled 110 film (cut down from 120) which was too thin and fell out of the reel during development and probably was touching other film (came out blank).
So yeah, that's the story. Being exhausted cuts IQ in half.