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An Emerging Style on /p/ee?

No.3970477 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay bros so from past few months I was trying to archive these "Ethereal" photographs by anons but unfortunately the images on /p/ archive got 404'd and /p/ archive is basically dead because without images an archive of a photography board is a nothing. So I went back saved few images which I think could be turn into a photography movement if some of us start pursuing it consciously. And I think that many anons are already pursuing that aesthetic subconsciously. A lot of major kino photographs are missing, now I regret not saving them.

I may sound like an autistic fag but here is my interpretation of these photographs:

>These photos have this feeling of a "non-human" or an empty world in the future but still with a traditional understanding of beauty like something came and wiped out humanity, wildlife and microorganisms. Climate catastrophes or nuclear winter never happened but something wholly other, Time just stopped and something happened which humans never thought about as a possibility. Nothing "spooky and scary" happened, not littering of streets with blood, no wars, no pandemics, no meteors, no AI singularity, no flood etc. just something unfathomable other happened. Nature and Sun with their ancient silence and all of their glory are still there. This light is beautiful yet very sinister like some uncanny darkness is hiding underneath this shiny beautiful light. These photographers are a reinterpretation of a nature still within traditional landscape aesthetics yet wholly other in regards that these point towards underlying sinister forces beyond human comprehension which are wearing the mask of so called natural beauty. When I see traditional landscape photographs those fill me with sense of beauty but looking at these photographs I get an uncanny and eerie taste in mouth, something wholly other.

What do you bros think?