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Sunday Mountain Climb

No.3973273 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, here are 11 photos from the trip I made with my brother on Sunday. Please consider following me on instagram if you would like to see me try and improve my photos and social media:

I was very pleased with the results of shooting only with my X-T3 and the XF16-80mmF4. I thought the lighting was even and cast pleasing shadows over the snow.

I applied some edits afterwards in CaptureOne. This first photo (picrel) is my favourite from the day. I applied the Classic Negative film simulation and I didn't think any other edits were necessary to achieve what I was going for with this shot. I printed it out at work to display in my office and remind me of the better times.

Let me know which photos work and don't work. Why? Which is the strongest? The weakest? What would you have done differently? Point out the worms. Thanks!!