>>3996422Looks like the raw folder isn't updated often, most of the featured images aren't available?
I was hoping to see the elevator girl and these
anyway here's an edit for CUK07929
Also for a recommendation to your site, the world really isn't as autistic as these trendy web3.0 faggots or whatever they are called insist. I assure you that people will not cry and scream and try to cancel you if you put text on the website, it really isn't as offensive as these triggered trendyfags say it is. Information is good and mousing over a preview should display a text overlay with a title or filename for the photo that's understandable.
Just how we can see
>>3996467 is CUK03437.jpg on 4chan we should be able to see your latest image's name on your site so we can reference it instead of having to go by the ridiculous generated itemId which is jo8tl2pxc901set3xvohj778sn22b at the moment. Anyone in fullscreen mode won't even see the URL so will have no way to reference the images, your site really leaves people hanging there and I'm sure you can figure out a solution that stays minimalistic without hiding such useful info.