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>>3983101Thank you, maybe you would like the first series I'm currently working on. It's about this eerie feeling, like liminal spaces but with fields and nature, and without the childish backstories. Pic related.
>>3983107Thank you! This means a lot to me, and your picture is great, like straight out of a movie.
>>3983117I think it lacks a stronger subject to add interest, the writing is not enough to create a mood. I don't think better editing will add much.
>>3983127>>3983149Thanks !
>>3983134As anon said the noise is because I did not have a tripod, and there is heavy Lightroom manipulation. It adds a style but it's definitely too much.
>>3983159Thanks but i believe you're wrong about the b&w photo. The tilted horizon adds to the feel that the subject is attracted by the sea. It adds drama, like it's slowly going to fall in.
>>3983185You need to work on colors to make an image that tells something. Not sure why but phones have absolutely dreadful colors and contrasts, so you'd be better off shooting with the Coolpix. Sharpness and definition does not matter. See the work of William Eggleston for color inspiration.
>>3983201Since all the scene is at infinity you could have shot wide open without losing too much sharpness, instead of increasing iso. Noise (grain) is not a problem anyway; what is a problem is chromatic noise. You should remove it.