Good thread overall.
>>3983425Nayyay?! The sky draws me off from structure and foliage on the wall that excite me.
>>3983432This is quite difficult for me. It's a decent motif and everything fits, but overall it looks too clean, too orderly -> too boring to me. I wonder if a break would help or make it cheesy?
>>3983834It's balanced and yet it's off due to unsubstantiated space. At some point I questioned positioning in all of such shots of mine, whether it was corner, centered, rule-of-thirds compositions. An uneven sky, clouds, haze, dust give substance to negative space.
>>3983893Framed too loose at the top, however, a crop works against the entire perspective, I think.
>>3983894My first impression was, it's way too forced. Lastly, the building on the left creates a lot of commotion and distraction beyond the alley we are looking into.
>>3983895Experiment with this by cutting out the right quarter or third.
>>3984387The image will be much more coherent if the incidence of light under the leftmost roof is cut away.
>>3984843Less is more. Pull details where a full view has to many distractions.
>>3985536Focus the framing to bring the chimneys with rather coherent lines from the roofs. I would cut from the bottom to start the frame to right include the two most distant corners of the gutters.