>>3986760 (OP) #Every time I see this kind of thread I lose hope a little more.
How can you be so retarded that you ask this question without even googling first ? Do you actually believe this is an original question ? Do you actually believe asking strangers on the internet to help you with absolutely no detail on what you do will yield useful answers, when you plan to invest close to 1k ?
Why do /p/ keep feeding those threads ? What's so cool about masturbating about gear when you know op doesn't even care enough to say if he's shooting portraits or landscapes ?
Why do this thread keep being posted at least once a day ? How can so many people do that ? Is it actually gearfags that post them just to talk about their gear ? What exactly are the Jeannie's doing when the sticky explicitly forbid this kind of threads ?
I'm so tired with this. How come /p/ embodies the worst of what gearfags can be, but also 1 thread out of 1000 is so good and no other place has those.