>>3999434OP is a faggot.
He doesn't even know what he's talking about. He's just a faggot ranting.
Color photography isn't the issue. Accurate color photos are ideal, the only problems with color photography are not photography related but editfag related. We're talking about shit camera presets, oversaturated colors, lightroom faggots, photoshop faggots, and eveything doing things other than shooting a scene with a color target used for profiling. Once you fuck with sliders you are officially not doing photography. You're being an editfag.
If you cannot photograph a computer monitor, print the image out, and put it next to the monitor, photograph the monitor with the printout together in the same scene, then have those look very similar, you are literally not taking quality photos.
Obviously you need to light the print to be similarly bright to the monitor, but any photographer would know this. That's just a low benchmark normies can do. Your computer monitor is well within the dynamic range of a fucking camera, even a cellphone camera. There's no excuse to not be able to reproduce it. The curvy edits all of these faggot youtubers and lightroom faggots love are all technically incorrect and bad and absolutely not photography.