Hooooo boy, got some good ones, but I'll go with the most recent doozy
>Finally bought dream FSU camera, a mint Leningrad, pic related
>One year ago
>Personal good friends with Fedka's repair guy, we swap stuff all the time
>Paid him a little extra to completely go through it
>Full CLA, fixed literally every thing
>Almost every screw was touched
>New shutter
>Late model 4-screw GOMZ model
>Calibrated RF to an EXC+++ Jupiter 50 1.5 lens I also bought with it
>Have wanted one of these forever
>Paid 449 + 350 for the lens
>Get it, it's flawless, the most perfect copy of one of these you could buy
>Take it to All Ford Nationals in Carlisle, PA
>Have a blast, lots of people asked me about it
>Finish the third roll, shutter jams
>Can't advance anymore
>Send it off with 2 FED-2's and a Drug
>Repairman has an illness in his family with his mother
>In Ukraine family is important unlike America where they ship their elderly to a nursing home
>He explains the Leningrad will have to wait
>No problem, he fixes the FEDs and sends back a 28mm Orion-15 which completes my LTM collection
>Fast forward to two weeks ago
>Putler decides to invade Ukraine
>Oleg says he is in Odessa, will drop off at another repairman's place that does Leningrads
>He finds the problem, the new shutter came apart at the metal clip on the end of the camera
>Next day, Putler announces he is invading Odessa
>Haven't heard from him since
Fedka has said they will send me full refund if it is lost. I'm hoping it is not, but if it comes back I will carry it to my grave because of the historical significance.