>>4012233here we go again with these lines
>>4014341le close up shot of modern building
>>4016362are you showing the tree or the building ?
>>4016364Ah yes, The door.
>>4016790fucking hate these line people, something psychorigide about them
>>4017021gear fag, very badly executed
>>4017397These kind of pics are taken by people who shoot cats and animals pic and call themselfs photographers
>>4017486high retardation here, lines and not in focus
>>4017492boring and flat, needs less dof or extra clarity
>>4017493deep fried
>>4017495not too bad but still boring shit
>>4017496boring and bad quality
>>4017652Lines again, but at least it's a well executed and kinda refreshing light and colors. I'd shop those weird little things on the top of the building tho.
>>4017923Very well executed, boring on its own but could be very nice if it's part of a serie
>>4019049boring not in focus
>>4019052boring and under exposed
>>4019747boring but could have been kino if framed differently
>>4019756entering deep sleep
>>4020088not too bad but the framing is off
>>4020144this church fag again
>>4020146tourist church fag
>>4020176you tried something and you failed
>>4021190lines again god...
>>4021501how bout you go fuck yourself
>>4021503why do I keep coming here
>>4021512im never going to rate these shits again
>>4021555fucking geometry sucks alright get over it
>>4021947you lose game over
>>4022211boring but that looks like that tunnel in a Clockwork orange, where is it ?
>>4022233sorry mate, making stuff dark and gloomy doesnt make the pic any different, poorly executed post process
>>4022420boring but at least it's something different for once, good boring pic overall.
>>4022438gear fag, could be a boomer
>>4022439gear fag but this is pretty cool