>>4017879You have much to learn of course, but I know you're aware of it. The aesthetic is pleasing, contrast matched with the colours and feeling of the image. work a bit in composition and you'll be good. keep photographing, mate.
>>4017120Snapshit? Probably. keep taking them. Never stop to snapshit.
>>4016912Composition is kind awkward. the highlights leads you nowhere.
>>4016867Never stop snapshiting.
>>4016858Good capture! There's some distraction on your right, you can avoid it. Toning is quite good, the photo give you a feeling. me likey btw
>>4016842you should try other crop aspect ratios, fitting the nurse better in your image removing distractions and giving the context on her left more emphasis.
>>4016493pro-grain all the way. good photo mate.