>>4016533Windows desktop
>>4016547Quite comfy, maybe Windows shutdown
>>4016631The clouds make it
>>4016633Don't really know what I'm meant to be looking at, needs a subject. That being said it looks lovely and this is a nice cinematography scouting photo.
>>4016635Looks like that Radiohead video
>>4016636Dope. Great use of thirds
>>4016695Don't like how the wall intersects the circle on the right
>>4016736What's the interest here?
>>4016737Should have been there half hour before so that shadow was in a nicer spot. Inoffensive but a bit forgettable.
>>4016738Into this one. Would make a tasty postcard
>>4016857Bit busy mate
>>4016899Fucking lovely, best in thread so far.
>>4016900Would have preferred the lines a bit more extreme.
>>4016902Not sure what this is, don't care much for it.
>>4016955Nice subject, you've gone mental on the framing though.
>>4016989Into it, nice feel to the whole thing.
>>4017004Why crop the tree?
>>4017006Not usually my thing but I like this. The pallette is really beautiful.
>>4017008Rare I see something I ain't seen before. I take it this is the rare urban pygmy glacier.
>>4017134Wish it had his hand in.
>>4017254Nice shot, feels a bit wonky though for some reason.
>>4017262Not for me. Hope it was a nice night.
>>4017263Nice idea but the bottle silhouette makes her nose look a bit demon kike.
>>4017343Obviously perfect
>>4017356This'll sell
>>4017404Not for me
>>4017423Yea I don't get it
>>4017438Actually don't hate it
>>4017798Need more crocography
>>4017821Maybe a bit muted
>>4017978I feel nothing
>>4018053Looks crisp
>>4018057Not sure I get it but it's focused and exposed lovely.
>>4018085It's a bit done concept wise but done really nicely.
>>4018147I hate cats
>>4018148Still hate them
>>4018298I'm intimidated
>>4018304Nice log, bet there's some good bugs under there
>>4018309Bit weird anon
>>4018313>>4018314Nice place
>>4018315Straighten it up anon