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Photography is a hobby for effeminate simps, dead-end hippies, men with a midlife crisis and unlikable women. However, I need influencer-tier photos of myself for my Instagram feed and (You) will tell me how to acquire them by answering the following questions:
>Do you know of any free good sources that cover smartphone photography? The emphasis is on "good", I don't want to waste my time.
>What is your standard Photoshop/Lightroom workflow when doing portraits? Failing to provide that, provide me with a good free online source for such a workflow.
>Do (You) have a workflow for taking influencer-tier Instagram photos that requires minimal expertise? I don't want to spend any more time than necessary learning about this hobby for weirdos and outcasts.
>Do you know of any free good sources that cover smartphone photography? The emphasis is on "good", I don't want to waste my time.
>What is your standard Photoshop/Lightroom workflow when doing portraits? Failing to provide that, provide me with a good free online source for such a workflow.
>Do (You) have a workflow for taking influencer-tier Instagram photos that requires minimal expertise? I don't want to spend any more time than necessary learning about this hobby for weirdos and outcasts.