>>4043777maybe, I make 31AUD an hour if I convert from US dollars to australian. if it takes me 3 minutes to spool out one roll of film, 20 minutes to develop, and 15 to set up the scanner (which scans while I do something else) then that's 40 minutes of time which, if it cut into work hours, would be worth about $14 for me or about $21AUD which is already on par with just not bulk rolling.
However, it's a hobby, so it's enjoyable, and it doesn't actually cut into work hours. more likely it'll cut into my hours spent online wasting my time, and those hours are worth $0 or even potentially have a negative value. So realistically, given that I'll work the same hours, bulk loading is cheaper since I'm using my worthless time to do it.
Just from running the numbers though it's evident that even working a low-paying job like I do, your time is already valuable enough to make a lot of things work out such that you're better off just picking up another shift at work and buying something than you are spending the same time trying to do it yourself or find deals.