>>4045073>12 stops>WHAT...ABOUT...MUH...12...STOPS!Pay attention retard because I'm only going to explain this ONCE. A 12 stop vignette correction means one of the following is true. Either...
A: Your web site is trash. They severely fucked up their test or they are lying. Note that TDP found 3ev of vignetting on the same lens your site claims has 12, strongly suggesting your site is trash.
*** OR ***
B: Canon has the most amazing sensors on the fucking planet. Better than Sony. Better than Phase One. Better than military color night vision sensors. Because a 12ev push from ISO 100 results in an equivalent ISO of 409,600. And yet they can do this without you seeing gobs of color noise and banding in the corners. A Nikon D850 can only push shadows about 5-6ev from base ISO before looking like shit. But Canon? Even the Canon RP can push shadows 12ev. It does it every time someone shoots the kit lens your site claims has a 12ev vignette. FUCKING. AMAZING.
And it gets better. Because for a 12ev vignette correction to pass, it has to work at higher ISOs as well. Let's say you're shooting at ISO 6400. A 12ev correction would put the corners at the equivalent of ISO 26 million. TWENTY SIX FUCKING MILLION ISO. And they can do this! With no additional noise! You don't even realize they're doing it, it looks so good. Fucking 12ev shadow push while shooting at ISO 6400, 12,800, more. Corrected corner equivalent ISO in the hundreds of millions and billions. Canon sensors must be god damn night vision devices. NASA should be using them to study background microwave radiation and black holes.
So...which is it? Is your site trash, and you're a moron for not thinking this shit through? Or does Canon make the most amazing fucking sensors in existence, better than Sony could ever hope to match?