>>4053635>photographer's subjectivity is always involvedWell of course but as is means no heavy post-process, the photographer is not going to do a front-back-left-right-up shoot analysis you mong
>documentary which leans heavily towards perverse "positivity" of a subject to virtue signal how much of an """empathetic""" human bean they're.It happens but the other side happens too, like all those fags snapping hobos or Gilden who uses upwards flash to show people with hideous faces. I still haven't seen your example on "positivity", the butcher looks all banged up and not elegant unless you are angry at the guy's swagger; OP pic looks like a dangerous lady.
>bullshit center of all art, le cultural signifiers which only work for people who belong to those culturesOf course you stupid nigger, one is not and will never be fully universal to the entire world and to make things worse the things i said are not even cultural, you are going to look like a retard everywhere in the world if you drool out, same with having a resting bitch face. How fucking dysfunctional are you.
>What is third problem?Lack of body reading, the nuances of a person showing in his external parts. If you see a man clearly pressuring his jaw one should know he's under intense stress but you might possibly not interpret this because "le cultural clues" despite this being well known, someone showing the 3 whites in his eyes can be considered a lunatic but this might also pass above you.
This lack of understanding or discerning these is often found in people who got locked in a dark room alone since birth until they were 18.
>Michael Schmidt was able transcend thisI see good nature pictures, mediocre urban-centric views and dreadful portraits, the first thing is the entire opposite of what you said because he "hides" the dilapidated context. If you think "as is" of a girl is that half second with closed eyes and moving her hair with a swing then you are truly in the low end of the bell.