Aight, I'll take a shot at it. I've been shooting in hikes for some 8 years now, but I'm only an amateur.
>>4053725The sky laks texture. You should either crop it or take photos without it outright; sit on your knees if need to, but empty textureless patches are ugly. The man's posture is also confusing - why don't you show what he's looking at? If it doesn't fit, ask him to change his stance.
>>4053727Nice, but once again, empty sky, and the houses are a bit too close to the edge; also no foreground, and right is empty-ish. A good option is to get some branches in the corners as a frame - it'll make the picture more interesting.
>>4053729I guess you tried to show the sky - in that case, there's too little of it, and, once again, it lacks texture. If you want wildly different lighting levels, take two photos, with a visible ground and a visible sky; combine them afterwards if your camera doesn't have the dynamic range to correct the highlights. The house is too much in the center here - if it was lower, I'd like it more.
>>4053732Nice, but the house is cut off; also the road doesn't lead anywhere, but I guess can't do anything about it. Maybe a bit more from the right, to align the yellow house with the one in the foreground.
>>4053734This one's empty. Dark barely visible forest, textureless sky, a very small subject and nothing else of interest - one of your worse ones.
>>4053738Very dark, and the lines mess it up. The closer tower is hidden in the trees and makes for a poor subject. Nothing to catch the eye here really.
>>4053739Too much white sky; I personally dislike perfectly-centered roads, and as other anons said, nothing of interest along the lines. If you put your car or friends on the sideroad, staring into the sky or messing with the fence, it'd be better.
End of pt 1