>>4056427POSTSCRIPT: I got the GH6 on April 8th and that lens on May 10th. Since then, I've taken 13180 photos with the lens, and, honestly, I'm still learning how to use the camera and the lens to their fullest potential. Coming from a very, very slow SLR to a 75fps M43 mirrorless is quite a change! Originally, I really only bought the GH6 for its video capabilities and as a backup to my K-1ii. (I am a wedding photographer.) Everyone was poopoo'ing the GH6's photo capabilities, so I never really considered it as a possibility; I just needed a video rig. But, come to find out, it's just an insane photo camera, too. I started using it as my primary wedding camera (I only do videos sometimes) with the Leicasonic kit lens (or the Nocticron if it's dark) about a month ago, and I just love it. Love love love it. The Pentax is now my backup camera, and I keep hoping that Panasonic will announce the release of the G9 successor this fall. It's a very fun system. I love the glass, I love the sovl, and I love how M43 makes gearfags seethe. It's all just so lovely. <3