>>4083276Does a good job conveying the feeling of being alone in a crowd. The notch in the tree above the fountain is a nice touch.
>>4083290Nice scene but I want more of those tracks. It looks like you cropped too much of the bottom out for whatever reason.
>>4083294I like this, and unlike the other underexposed shots in this thread, this one works. The darks of the buildings blend in with the trees so the windows look like part of the environment. I don't like the motion-blurred bird though.
>>4083311The most interesting part of this scene to me is the leaning tree and its shadow. I wonder if you could draw more emphasis to it when the sun is at a different height, or from a different angle.
>>4083313Good eye spotting that flower, but I think the smaller same-color heads below the tallest one detract from it.
>>4083330Cute cat, it's a tad too small in the scene. Or it just needs something more to draw the viewer's eye. For example,
>>4083333 has a small subject, but I think it works better because the bottle is central to the frame. The subjects in
>>4083315 are small too, but the light makes it clear what I'm supposed to be looking at.
>>4083355Your edits are mostly fine but this one really hurts my eyes.
>>4083378The person and tree on the left distract from the interesting part of the photo to me (the framed person and the person to their left).
>>4083381The light draws my focus away from the people in the window on the right.
Also liked these:
>>4083284>>4083298>>4083304>>4083306>>4083316>>4083317>>4083318>>4083323>>4083351>>4083367>>4083401Nice thread. I agree with the other anon saying there are a lot of snapshots in here that detract from the set. That usually happens with large photo dumps, posting a huge number of shots makes the set feel less cohesive. I also agree with
>>4083320 - in general the Fuji shots look underexposed, at least on my monitor. But anyways, thanks for sharing.