>>4091806>>4091500/a/ and/or /toy/ crossboarder wants to know if /p/ thinks the photos are good or not.
>>4089457>>4089425>>4089420>>4089406This stuff looks like product photos. They don't have anything going on to make them look interesting.
Remember that just because a photo has meaning to you, doesn't mean it has any meaning to anyone else. Maybe you finally got your hands on a figure you've wanted for over 10 years. If you take a photo of it, you might think it's the best photo you've ever taken because of the emotions attached to it. But to anyone else seeing it, it's just a toy and the photo is meaningless to them. That's why you have to work on your composition to make other people take notice of your photo that they normally wouldn't really care about. It's the same reason people think their own vacation photos are amazing while everyone else just nods their heads looking bored.
>>4089858This looks more interesting. Though the composition might have been done a little bit better, maybe just zooming out a little to get more of the figures into the frame. It's strong point is that it's trying to tell a story based on the two character's interactions in Isekai Quartet. Probably my favorite photo in this thread because I can see the thought that was put into it.