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>Any publicity is good Publicity
If you know anything about PR, you will know the old phrase “any publicity is good publicity”; (I’m not sure that publicist Max Clifford is saying this anymore, but it did work for a while).
As you know, Jeremy Clarkson is a hugely popular, old school chain smoking hack turned international TV star. But why is he so popular? After all his head is shaped like a giant potato, he is not remotely attractive to look at, and despite being intelligent and friendly, he does voice some rather extreme opinions that make him look like a mad old git.
Well, he’s an eccentric Brit which makes him interesting for starters, but the main reason he is so liked, is because he is not afraid to say what he thinks. He is the antithesis of the British Politician, who never says what he thinks.
Whether we know it or not, we like characters who are true to themselves, those not afraid to vent opinions that we may hold, but feel that we cannot (or should not) articulate. This is the essence of good journalism. It is a mood which resonates with the reader. The journalist, the writer, has the skill to put into words what other people are thinking.
The more media attention Clarkson gets, the more viewers he gets, the more books he sells and the more money he makes. Why publicise yourself, when you can get other people to talk (and write) about you for free.