>>4114839City photography is so fucking boring and played out. More and more photographers are turning towards their hometowns and these forgotten places. I think these are way more interesting than shitholes which are cities. The decadence of town is way more sinister and gives you many symbolic opportunities for your visuals. All cities are kind of same.
I would suggest you to roam around your town at usual times. Like during midnight or before the dawn or just after sunset with at peak noon timing. Meet some local schizos and hear their stories. Meet boomers mowing their lawn hear and shoot bullshit with them. Do you know a lumberjack? Cool go with him the woods hears his story. Go to your local municipality office and look at the archives of your place. Read your local newspapers. Contact your local journalist and tell him that if needs a photographer just call you and you do it for free. You knows a place where your local junkies gather? Try to gain their trust. Collect information, study, be active, aware and you will discover many interesting subjects. And think of your photography in terms of a projects because the time of singular photograph is over due to internet. At the start don't limit yourself by aiming for a project but when you start discovering some repetitive themes in your work then try to go in the direction of project based photography.
Stylistically mix and merge the styles of different photographers as a fun activity. Combine Saul Leiter with Salgado. William, Eggleston with William Mumler etc.