>>4117093>3d pop, microcontrastThis is a combination of two thigns:
A high level of contrast, beyond sufficient to call the detail resolved and slap a big number on your LP/MM chart, so the lens is rendering fine details more like a human eye with good vision and less like a lens. It's measurable using the fucking modulation transfer function. If it weren't zeiss wouldn't produce it with consistency. In laymans terms this is what sharpness actually is, resolving everything the lens does so the finest details are sharp, rather than simply there and kind of fuzzy, which is all that's needed to call the line pair resolved. Imagine the difference between many slightly fuzzy lines and every line that isn't just a shade of gray having sharp edges, and that is the optical quality that is largely responsible for pop. A microscopic increase in contrast. Many photographers instead believe that sharpness is resolving the smallest lines possible even if they are not as well defined.
Absolutely no flare, which reduces contrast and makes the image look flat. Also measurable. You will, for example, typically get more "pop" with a lens hood on and favorable lighting.
>color renderingColor casts, color shifts, and color bleeding are real things in optics caused by the frequency of light changing through each piece of glass and sometimes scattering around.
>characterThis is the accumulation of flaws to make a lens unique and recognizable in absence of any good qualities so it's at least cool.
Scamyang and ligma lack all of these things.