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Buyers Remorse or something else?

No.4128371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Maybe you remember my previous thread on the Zfc, somehow I convinced myself to buy one and it arrived today and fuck me I am so dissapointed :(
>be me
>life long Nikon user
>psyche myself up for retro digital camera
>play with my dads old FE for inspiration
>Nikon ergos and quality is always on point
>mailman arrives
>box feels empty
>heart sinks at being ripped off from eBay seller
>open box anyway
>cameras there, is perfect, no issues
>pick up camera
>feels like holding a holga toy camera
What did NIkon mean by this? this is the flimsiest piece of shit I've ever handled, I can't believe all physical stores were out of stock of this piece of shit, if I were able to handle it in store I never would have bought it.