>>4142766>90% of the industry is sports and reportage (including weddings) lol. APS-C is a non-negligible presence on the sidelines and at venues.the photography industry market share by volume means professional photography businesses, agencies and individuals, it doesnt mean some random, casual consumer joes and jennifers.
consumers =/= professional/industry standard
if you want to look at the entire market share by volume, including out of industry, consumer and other non-professional share of the market, then you're retarded because looking at that doesnt matter. who the fuck cares about 1,000,000,000 people shooting snapshits of their trips, pets or family?!?!? Are those photographers who work in the industry?!?! No, no they fucking arent. So why would you be so dumb to look at the overall market share by volume, instead of just the professional photography industry?
you can google this in less than 2 seconds if you type fast. the entire photography industry is majority portraits, fashion, film/cinema and editorial work. wedding photographers, sports photographers and others all combined dont make up more than 15% of the industry. thats just a fact, whether you like it or not.
and even if you want to include non-professional bullshit aka. consumers and ''blue collar photographers,'' even then, even in that case weddings and sports dont come out on top. #1 and #2 biggest fields with the biggest share are #1 landscapes, #2portraiture, #3 editorial, #4 fashion, #5 journalism and only at #6 and #7 are weddings and sports.
ANYWAY, fashion, editorials and portraiture make up 80-85% of the industry and thats a fact.
what your regular joe shoots and which camera he buys doesnt matter in the slightest and has no impact for the professional world of photography and the entire industry
consumers are consumers, professionals are professionals