>>4138527>Love the little hints of casual racism (all black moms get left by the kids dad amirite). Fuck off with your reddit tier NPC response. Over 77% of black children grow up in single parent households. Singe parent households are correlated with poor life outcomes across ALL races. Which means the race with a higher percentage of single parent households is harmed worse than any other. The destruction of U.S. careers and the divorce industrial complex has harmed blacks most of all.
Refusing to acknowledge and do something about this is harmful to everyone, but especially to blacks, making it your racism.
>It just reeks of ethnochristian bullshit that I had to grow up and listen toYou reek of absolute ignorance regarding income, poverty, crime, and their correlations to real life factors.
>>4138534>What does that have to do with marriage?It was already explained to you that poverty, crime, and life outcome are highly correlated with single parent households.
>How many white people get fucking divorced? Too many, and their kids also have poorer life outcomes statistically.
>How many Chinese parents stay together and hate eachother for the kids (but have multiple mistresses?) Even if they hate each other, staying together stacks the odds in favor of a better life outcome for their kids. Do you want to improve lives for everyone? Or do you want to lash out because you were told uncomfortable truths?
>How many white people are shooting up school?How many red herrings are you going to parrot?
>Your life will be better if you can just show some love and respect for people around you How about you show some love and respect for people around you by actually tackling real problems instead of parroting narratives pushed by elites who don't care if all of us die?