>>4147242Spot on dude. It's a global lens industry conspiracy to cater to lenstip and
photozone.de. The optics industry used to operate on "light processing" instead of well defined, objectively measurable physical phenomenon. It's a lost art that big quantum science doesn't want you to remember.
The spatial frequencies at which the MTF is 10, 20, 50%, etc don't matter. Chromatic aberration from different frequencies focusing at different points doesn't matter. Coma doesn't matter, tangential and saggital astigmatism don't matter. Distortion +/-% and pattern? Irrelevant. Element groups have two reflective sides? Flare? T stops? All modern nonsense.
Mathematicians were not aware of these tools until ED glass came out and they totally sucked the soul out of each and every lens. And now that they are, they can't measure photonic processing anymore. It's like anti-gravity technology, the thought patterns that allow it are totally opposed to being able to understand electromagnetism.
What matters is that the photons, AKA light particles, are processed using precision equations to filter light like your eyes. Only certain brands know this secret. You'll typically need schneider kreuznach lenses to really set your photos apart with sensor to photon contact mediated by highly accurate mathematics, or at least leica curved microlens arrays to refocus the tachyon waves being scattered by the ED elements.