>>4161196I have used one
it's just fun watching canon be fucking retarded and maybe eventually stop being stupud
>>4161197Lol nope. Cropping your cropped crop does not equal reach. It's not even twice the resolution of cropped FF, it's less than 40% more over a MFT crop of a nikon Z7, which is well within the range of AI enlargement because the lenses are not actually much sharper. At the top end we're looking at 80lp/mm on both FF and MFT almost like optics are optics no matter the sensor.
Stop worrying about this REACH. It is not fucking real. It's clear you've never used a camera if you think you can find magical zoom in cropping cropped crops.
>I wouldnt buy an MFTObviously you haven't because you are talking BUT IF IN THEORY well okay bud, listen, in reality it's not there. These are low resolution cameras. Cropped crops. The extra megapixels simply serve to make the image look less shitty SOOC because running topaz gigapixel AI on every 12mp MFT shot would kill the battery fast.
MFT is for:
Amazing video recording capabilities that aren't available until higher price points
In-camera features like advanced stabilization, live long exposure compositing, higher shutter cycle rates, great pixel shift, and snoy A1 levels of autofocus that ^see above
Being really fucking cheap if you can accept older gear
Being really fucking small because the cropped FOV means a 25mm lens isn't just smaller than a FF 50mm, it's smaller than an FF 25mm because vignetting does not have to be anywhere near as corrected and the mount can be much smaller while still allowing compact telecentric designs - and more room for correcting elements which is why only the better FF lenses surpass 70 lp/mm but it's easy to find that figure on MFT (and thank fuck it is, or else it would look double shit).