The Eye Of War by Deiter Keller
He took extremely beautiful images of Nazi invasion of Ukraine. He was also a Nazi, photography wasn't allowed so he asked his Ukrainian gf to give him a camera so he can take photographs. He was friend with many avant grade artists and some of them were even Jewish.
A complicated photographer with a very complex place in photography. Aestheticizing images of death, war and decay is a sin for some. But his work opens up a debate if we should or shouldn't beautify suffering. Nonetheless aesthetics are art and he rubbed it on photography's face. I also think that the only way you can dignify the dead subject is through high formalism and thought you put into when you take images, at least in the case of photojournalism. The snapshit phone aesthetic of war is vulgar and eliminates the capabilities of photographers. Art is about aesthetic so shouldn't the war photos shouldn't be aesthetic?
Some of these are hard hitting moral questions and I have no answers other than arbitrary bullshit. But I would admit that beauty and terrible of these photos grip you and make you revisit them again and again. By far one of the greatest 29th century photographer.
If you get a chance then please checkout "The Eye Of War" by Dieter Keller. Edit of this book is extremely good.