>>4217786you hate your current life and want to surround yourself with things that are superficially nostalgic. faded colors, brassing on metal, fountain pens, watches with gears in them, etc. a lot of zoomers and 90s kids are like this. you are surrounded by scary things like diversity and womens rights and now more than ever you MUST attend college, get a useful degree, and form relationships with normal human beings and not be a political extremist if you are to be able to afford... renting a small apartment. maybe if you aren't a total chud and retard you could buy a home in wyoming.
you see vibrant colors in a photo and even if it was taken on film 50 years ago you hate it, you want it faded and grainy, because then you can drift off and think about the theoretical better days you would have maybe enjoyed a better life in. it's digi "slop" (the alt-right and rad left primitivist word for things normal people like). even though it's film.
everything you associate with today is bad in your mind.
steampunk, lomography, "nerd culture", "the art of manliness" and whatnot have all catered to these displaced feeling first world lower-middle class losers need for escapism but it frankly is not respectable or relevant outside of their little cope spheres. now go shave with a straight razor kiddo.
film doesn't look like faded, grainy, scratched up dusty shit unless you fucked something up. nothing ITT looks like film. digital cameras default settings look more like film than 90s kid shit "film presets".