>>4221696>It's fine its fineManual focus is also "fine" but i dont see the point in paying literal thousands of dollars for worse AF than you get on a relatively ancient sony A7 III. The appeal of the S5 is its use as a cinema camera, meaning manual everything, at least it has good codecs/rolling shutter, that stuff.
Even then is it really better than a canon R6, which also has pretty good autofocus?
You really can not beat sony for autofocus and sheer resolution, or canon or speed and video. It's not mere brandfagging it's the state of the full frame segment.
Sony = autofocus, resolution, good ergonomics with compact lenses (but a little unbalanced with a zoom), represents the combined experience of minolta, zenza bronica, and one of the leading semiconductor companies in japan. People will be salty because they employ some asshole business tactics, especially towards videographers.
Canon = video, FPS, good ergonomics with large lenses (but needlessly cumbersome with a small prime), represents one company striving to rule the camera industry for nearly 100 years. People will be salty because they employ some asshole business tactics, especially towards photographers.
Fujifilm = Top end canon-like video specs for 1/2 price, FPS too but the AF can't really keep up with it. Godawful ergonomics all around, you need to pay a premium to get a proper body.
Nikon = pointless, dying breaths of a once major company
Panasonic = pointless, cash grab on the part of an appliance manufacturer
Leica = rolex tier, good but not the best products, priced and marketed like they are the best products. If you just want to use M mount lenses, voigtlander bodies are better for film, and for digital you can make them work very well on nikon Z mount, or sony E mount+modded sensor. And yet, who really makes a full frame digital+ORF these days? For rolex you could say everyone makes a submariner and sometimes better, but not for leica and their M.