>>4258887Why just make a gear meme?
Why not include the photos that get taken with the gear as well?
>>4258925Dumping snapshits? Ok. But we need to ask why they need to do it in the gear cope thread, not /bpg/ or /rpt/.
That is because /bpg/ would ream their asshole over the oversharpening and heavy NR they're using to try and cover up their mistakes (yknow, like cropping your crop sensor because you fucked up the framing hard - whenever I see a shitton of sharpening i KNOW its cropped)
>>4258936>>4258938You idiots, it's not diffraction, it's just the inevitability of using pixel pitch for magnification instead of optics. You are just seeing the softness of the lens that you wouldn't with larger pixels. Diffraction isn't really severe until f/8 on 20-25mp mft. Cropping your image just makes this even worse. It's similar to the look of shooting $500 fast primes wide open on a 45mp ff.