>>4282684The decent ones (Free edition)
> Behancepretty good if you got other projects too
> 500pxa shitty back up, but at least it's something
> WordpressIt works if you are ok with manually optimizing you images to websites.
> DevianArtAllows you to upload the original file, so that's a plus if you can ignore the meme surrounding the site
Over to the bad ones
> YouPicI hate it, only one upload per day.
> ImgurGot banned, for no reason, maybe because I posted on the community my portfolio and they seethed at the fact my stuff is good compared to their 2010 midwit memes.
>>4282754See photography as a way fancy way to document things. If you really care about that stuff for under €100 if you want to look like an "influencer".