>>4284508It's already shit, would be even worse in black and white
In color it's a mess but at least you can tell it's a table and seats by a clearing
In black and white you can barely make out what's going on
>>4284134It's terrible
The composition is awful, it seems like you wanna show the table (you even named the file with a "funny title", but don't count on that to make it any better)
But instead of showing the table you're just showing a bunch of tall grass in a super harsh light and the table is super blown out
Ideally you should wait until the light conditions are better, with a softer light by the end of the afternoon
But even there, at that moment, this shot could be greatly improved by:
>getting close to the fucking tablejust go there ffs
It's not that every subject should be gigantic and take up the whole viewfinder, but if you wanna show us the table, then show us the fucking table properly
Because with this light and composition, it looks like a pile of discarded wood
>use a bigger aperturenot everything needs to be in focus
we gain absolutely nothing by being able to see this gritty as fuck grass that in the end turns into an amorphous mass of green
it hurts the eyes and looks terrible
Using like f/2 would be enough for us to see the table and it would still be completely discernible and understandable that there's grass and trees in the back
In fact it would be even better at conveying that
>compositionI get it, you wanna show us that it's a godforsaken table with tall grass all around it
but again: we get it
you don't need to have all this weird negative space in the photo
negative space can be used for this purpose, but in this case it's just obvious, it lacks all subtlety
On top of that, the bright sunlight doesn't match the mood
All I can think of is mosquitoes and itching