>>4304307>SlowerUnless you want to buy the 400mm f2.8, your 400mm f4.5+1.4x TC (or plus APS-C body) is the same speed at 600mm. There is no equivalently faster 600mm on crop either except for sticking a $5000 EF 400mm f4 on an r7.
>But higher ISOsYou forgot something, the Z7II, Z8, and Z9 are all 45mp and the Z6II and ZF have their gain stages positioned so their DR beats equivalence and the colors stay very stable at high ISOs. With a high MP camera you can crop and essentially have a crop sensor, print full size, or you can downsample, which reduces the impact of noise.
Do you really think they pay camera companies to release stupid products or are you perhaps the stupid one
The nice expensive camera does in fact take slightly prettier pictures and it's hard to find fault with it unless it's an OM system/pentax product (because those aren't real brands, they're zombies). Like how are you going to find fault with, on the other hand, a G9II+100-400? It's not FF performance, but it has FF flagship gimmicks for a reasonable price.
The answer is the people who make these products are smarter than you. The only stupid thing on the market is the consumer!