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Good and light camera?

No.4303336 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, long story short.

My girlfriend (fiancé) cheated on me with a client I had.
And now they offered to buy me a camera.

I do a lot of sensual pics of well endowed men, and my gf always wants to help out on the shoots.
And on the last shoot, they basically did it in front of me multiple times, and I had to act nice and professional through the gig. (I’m editing the pics as I type this. It hurts a lot).

I wasn’t happy when we got home, and she said she can buy me a new camera to make it up to me, which is really nice of her.

And I’ve been drooling over this camera for a while. I also like doing video, but I was something light and simple.
I have a condition where I get very moody and grumpy when I hold heavy things for too long? And the GH5 often messes me up and I’ve had to take naps during shoots, and it’s costing me clients. Most people are not very understanding. So weight is pretty important to me.
Is this good or should we go for something easier to use?