>>4308476autofocus terrible
limited lenses
>>4308496no auto focus, need a bunch of peripherals.
you can't just whip this thing out and film, you need to rig up and become a one man army, and have a macbook pro m3 pro and a NAS just to edit a simple video because muh braw, that's another $5-6000 dollars.
What I have learned is that the subject is more important than the gear. Using too much gear can make you de-focus from the work itself and into the technicalities. That's good if you are from hollywood and have a Satanic writer and director and your job is executing orders, but bad if you want to make something yourself.
You need the full automation. You should focus on the subject, not the gear.
That's why Sony is most popular among YouTubers, just let the automation take over the technicalities and you do your job of creation(no man can create only God can, man only imitates. Jesus is Lord)