>>4309265Xtrans has lower color resolution than bayer for the same reason bayer has lower color resolution than foveon. Because photographers universally test gear on black and white charts, they never noticed this. Fuji really loses color accuracy and detail on objects with a lot of red or blue and false color artifacts are common before additional post-prcoessing if you don't use the corpsifying SOOC jpeg engine and opt for FOSS software that gives you unnecessary amounts of control (or, unnecessary for normal cameras).
It was never that xtrans prevented moire, it moves it to a different frequency and below that it just gets lost.
To be a fujifag, and expect a photo to look detailed above IG resolutions, is to spend way too much time in an editor. I think they're also where the anti-pixel-peeping culture comes from because there's no logical reason to be against enjoying a larger photo. Not everything is about "the vibe".