>>4312383>Actually, all things are bad, materialism is evil, i am hindu>You have two options>Working with sticks, rocks, and mud like a REAL creative person>Or you grow up and buy the apple product We know, mr jobs. You're fucking retarded and have no soul. The very idea of culture is alien to you because all of these things are european and europeans can't have a culture in your worldview.
Culture's trappings are often objects but these objects become standardized means to an end. That's why they're culture instead of capitalism. Humans are a species of tool users, after all. We must have tools to use. A human with tools is the species as it was meant to be, the apex predator and prime mover of earth. A human without tools is basically primate livestock, less able to survive than a domestic dog. And I mean the retarded ones like border collies and golden retrievers, not the smart hardy survivors like huskies and akitas.
When someone wants the traditional tools of the culture eradicated it's usually because they want to control or destroy that culture. What's it say when someone wants all the tools a culture uses for creativity destroyed and replaced with a glass rectangle with baked in surveillance and planned obsolescence?