>>4328691Effort required to fake digital: own computer
Effort required to fake low resolution film: own computer and high end projector, modify a film duplicator, run your own darkroom
So maybe, we shouldn't be shooting 8mm or 16mm. Just take a snap on a pentax 67.
Effort required to fake high resolution film: modify a rare and expensive 6x7 film duplicator and spend months looking for someone that will provide you with a projector capable of OUTRESOLVING it. The sampling rate of the fake must be higher than the sampling rate of the film. To my knowledge 8k projectors are hideously expensive and still do not outresolve MF film. You would need a 16k projector and i'm not sure those even exist. Maybe an 8k projector could outdo 645 with really shitty color stock.
So now we're snapping on medium format and it can only be faked by the state, and the state doesn't have to fake film (anymore). All they have to do is twist the arms of major brands to limit C2PA to employers buying their highest end cameras only, and allow (FORCED) AI processing to trickle into everything else. Which is where we're going. It's much easier to manipulate the people via the economy, and generates more tax dollars than it spends.