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[150 / 27 / ?]

Stop. Just stop.

No.4326862 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The cope needs to end. You all know you want a Leica. They feel SO amazing in hand, nothing comes close to shoot with. All the best photos taken in the last 50 years have been on a Leica. You spend so so so much money on your little eBay finds: eBay digishits, "junk" status cameras on Japanese auctions, thrift store "bargains" that are filled with mold. Just stop. For your own good. Sell the junk to other losers. Save up for a few weeks, a month or two at max. Even if you earn minimum wage you can get a Leica if you just stop buying the cope junk.

You know I am right. I know I am right. Let's stop the bullshit. Once we all have Leicas we can finally make /p/ great again.