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New digishits 2024

No.4330724 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When are gonna nips restart the digishit production? Will they restart the production at all?
While one might think that digishits are no longer needed due to phones, it is not the case. Phones are too small to jam good optics inside, especially zoom lenses.
So argument of "we won't make cameras that can be replaced with a phone" is kinda full of shit.
I think what did stop the sales of digishits, is corona. People bought digishits when they were traveling and realized that their phone kinda sucks. Or alternatively, they didn't just want to drain their phone battery in middle of nowhere in country where they don't speak local language for shit.

Seeing the success of Fuji X100VI or whatever it's called and similar big-ish sensor cameras, I wonder if they will start making bridge or compact cameras with smaller sensor but zoom lenses so you can get in close up and personal?
Or the success (of sort) Taiwanese Kodak digishits that are literally 2012 low-end digishit that is still manufactured today for some reason.

Think about it. Imagine what can you achieve with a modern phone sensor (which are quite big these days, 1/1.7" etc.), coupled with much bigger lens!