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No.4334425 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I shot my first few rolls on an old Pentax ME my mom gave me years ago. I have little photographic experience other than messing around with a DSLR after reading "Understanding Exposure" and getting decent results.

Was looking for some criticism, constructive or otherwise. Some things I'm noticing is that I'm having a hard time gauging exposure even though there is a built in light meter, is it better to slightly underexpose? It seems no matter what I try it comes out overexposed. I also seem to have a lot of blur - the focus seems bang-on in the viewfinder but it has an auto shutter speed which may be too low for how steady my hands are. It may be time to buy a better SLR. Unless you have an idea on how to make this camera work.

Posting the bad and the good. Let me have it.