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You "Best" Camera for Travel Photography

No.4343317 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Many of us travel or have plans to travel. While the smart phone has been great for close up snaps of food and selfies, even the best don't keep up with a decent camera. Nor are they anywhere near as fun to use.

In this thread lets post what we personally think are ideal travel cameras. Ones you are happy to have with you on your adventures on the road or around the world.

While I have made do with a 35mm point and shoot, I am getting very tired of having to present my film cannisters for inspection, worry about them being x-rayed and issues with wanting to buy film on my trip in locations where there might be none available, much less a decent lab for development.

That has me thinking about the Olympus Pen-F digital. While it is very old it still out resolves most film cameras and it is very small and looks great. While looks might be a very shallow thing to desire for a trip I can't help but like that part of travel, having all my gear, clothes, shoes, and bags set up for a few weeks away from home. So even though the Pen-F is incredibly overpriced (imo) I will be getting one soon for my next trip to Vietnam.

Which cameras do you like for travel and why? There is no right answer. Bonus points for including a photo from your trip as well.

I am excited to see what everyone's choices might be and why. I think this could be a great quality thread for the catalog.