>>4356216 nice wide fast lenses (12 mm and 16mm ) great for video, and great for keeping the wide looking phone shot perspective that people are so used to, but just with extra polish and without the need to light the absolute fuck out of everything like shitty phones need.
Used some longer lenses too for certain things but anyway. The fast lenses were nice because I found most of the time it was just about getting the lighting at the perfect angle and it's kinda hard to do that In a small space full of white walls because it just reflects off of everything and gets really messy, c stands were the best investment I made. Keep the light low and just get it in the right place. And then shoot kinda wide to separate from background in small room. People don't wanna see the landlord special ass walls. (sure would be nice to have a bigger space or legit studio) but it was a challenge and a fun one desu