>>4372935>specular highlights lack detailYou should google what a "specular" highlight is before you try using such a big word again.
What's lost in your image are the *actual* highlights on the main portion of the main subjects.
My snark was mainly directed at the fact that the whole image is covered in shitty grain and colour noise, which would imply that you massively underexposed and then pumped the shit out of it in lightroom, but still didn't start with a low enough exposure to retain that lost detail.
>ie the lighting was totally terrible and even using a maxxed out digislug coping strat you still ended up with this busted looking shitIt's funny that the second photo you posted is exposed the same way, but you just didn't get to the shadow slider yet on that one.
But to get back to the actual lens, ie the point of the thread; what do you like about it besides the handling?
I just looked it up and I was right, it's just another sharp in the middle, digital corrections for everything else modern mirrorless design, with an aperture and focal length that don't give you much scope to creatively control the look.
>just use your phone m8There's no such board tradition btw, that's a new habit of the screeching idiots that live to derail every thread. My photos have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying about yours; you'd just prefer to pivot to shitting on me than have to back yourself up.