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I'm going to put my slides in this thread. these are practically found objects, the intention isn't in the principle phortor..graphry, it's in the digitization & processing, and even that is a blindfolded break. They are just the stack of slides that are in my way on my desk, minus any other editorial commentary. Comp nerds, take 5. Some of these I shot with crappy P&S's when I was 10, some are shot with shitwizard amazetard machinery and don't look any better. Some of the film is ektachrome, some is kodachrome, some is cheapshit generic flakes of ass-paste & developed with hot smegma for all i know. plus i'm pretty sure my grandma shot some and they got mixed in, idgaf anymore, as previously discussed, it doesn't matter anyway until you say it does, and I don't, yet.
>>4375705 zip zop
bippity boop bop
yibbity bibbity dippity dooo
o motherfucker
>>4375703 I would not mind you projecting that image on my wall. Very pleasing colors.
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>>4375723 Yeh of all the balloon pics, that one is perfectly explosed too, to pick up all the detail in those white panels. sky's a bit too sat yet but at least it's not doing whatever's goin on in this one.
fuck this ones really dusty
>>4375703 then one day, someone realized you could stick a sail in a skateboard and throw it in the water
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>>4375750 and holy shit it was fast as fuck
but now all that exist are photos, bc the sport disappeared in the 90s.
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>>4375703 If it were not for that ugly woman I would save this photo.
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Cool stuff OP Slide film is beautiful
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Posting in a literal slide thread
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>>4375703 >I'm going to put my slides in this thread. these are practically found objects, the intention isn't in the principle phortor..graphry, it's in the digitization & processing, and even that is a blindfolded break. They are just the stack of slides that are in my way on my desk, minus any other editorial commentary. Comp nerds, take 5. Some of these I shot with crappy P&S's when I was 10, some are shot with shitwizard amazetard machinery and don't look any better. Some of the film is ektachrome, some is kodachrome, some is cheapshit generic flakes of ass-paste & developed with hot smegma for all i know. plus i'm pretty sure my grandma shot some and they got mixed in, idgaf anymore, as previously discussed, it doesn't matter anyway until you say it does, and I don't, yet. we get it, you just discovered gravity's rainbow
Hi everyone, i have bunch of 220 Provia 100F and i've been shooting them alot. Great color and exposure even though expired. My question is should i cross develop them with c-41 since it's cheaper then ? Is it true that provia 100F works well for cross processing ? I've been shooting and sending them to lab individually but thought about getting c41 chems and doing it all myself (e6 chemicals give me what....6 films ?!)
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>>4375750 kino shot
>>4378446 negatives are not beatiful to the naked eye
drink bleach