>>4387211Downsampling reduces noise. Period. The signal to noise ratio of each pixel, and the whole image is reduced. ALL sources of noise. It is, quite literally, a law of mathematics. Noise is errors +/- % in the photon counts. Averaging correlated photon counts reduces errors. This is your phones use for the 48mp+ sensors and it works EXTREMELY well if you denoise and THEN downscale (bilinear), and resharpen.
>>4387289No, you don't see, because you listened to cANON. He is hellbent on believing that fuji medium format is fake, not good, worse than full frame, etc. Why? He just hates fuji, that's why. He is the guy who used to spam two broken fuji cameras to try and slander the whole brand. His aperture equivalence bullshit is based on fuji's lack of superfast G mount lenses which must therefore mean fuji medium format is as noisy as full frame.
Oh and he also denies the moon landing solely because russia failed.
Apply basic logic
How does reducing the noise of each individual pixel NOT reduce the noise of the whole picture?
This is not possible. This is like saying that although every passenger on a barge lost 100lbs, the barge did not get lighter.
And as for equivalence...
Sunny 16 states that in most shooting conditions, you have excessive shutter speed on tap for a still scene at ISO 50 and the smallest aperture. f/16, 1/50 ISO 50. Cloudy is f8. Dimmer and overcast is f5.6. Still 1/50 at ISO 50. "Equivalence" may come into play when shooting fast action or indoors, but again, downsampling breaks the fuck out of it. You do not HAVE to shoot "equivalently" and most people don't. Period. Not even with slower lenses, there's usually something to give (or add - flash) to lower the ISO. This is why despite just one stop of equivalence, full frame dominates over APS-C.
Equivalence is 10% of the photos and 100% of what cANON blathers about - solely for his agenda. He flat out LIED TO YOU for his agenda.
>Fuck fuji! -cANON