>>4380883>You did utterly zero editing. Wrong, a real photographer developed in the dark room and dodge & burned the details to his pleasure.
>Not spending 50% of your entire photography time messing around in lightroom or photoshop.Wrong, editing and printing was most of the time spend in photography, let alone "50%"
>That is the sad digital art that photography has turned into.Wrong, editing is easier than ever and there's no risk of you dying from silver poisoning, getting broke after burning through tons of stock or needing to mod part of your house for the dark room.
>You should be doing zero editing if you are a photographer. Wrong, you should be doing editing if you want total control of your work.
>Adobe has buck broken this board.Wrong, editing was done before Adobe and even some anons don't use it but DarkTable, Phase One products, Corel products or other stuff.
>Photography isWrong, photography is the end result image, what only matters in the previous process is you capturing a real image and presenting it with whatever technique or style you want as long as it represents what you saw.
>if you are in front of a computer you are 100% not doing photographyWrong, if a computer is part of the process of processing what you captured then it's part of photography.
>You are doing something some marketing department somewhere convinced youWrong, the real photographic pioneers used these techniques too without anyone telling them, it was for technical reasons and then their own taste for it.
>you have to pay company x for this privalegeWrong, there's free alternatives
>If company y offers a product to skip that stepAnd yet here you are, gaping wide open to pay a company for the privilege
You are a nigger and you are also not a photographer. Kill yourself and free us from your presence.