Another likely dumb question: I notice that when using continuous shot mode at very low shutter speeds (EX: 2"), the time between the audible shutter movement is faster then if I were to use single shot mode at the same shutter speed
If the shutter speed is set the same, it should take the same amount of time, right? So what's going on here?
>>4396092I assure you i'm just really ignorant, not trolling
>Those are completely different thingsIf we were talking about fully analog or mechanical cameras i'd understand that, but everything in a DLSR is still operated by electronic components at the top level, right? the shutter and such is still mechanical but you pick which via electronic/digital menus? I don't see why telling the camera to take a picture vs opening a menu would be that different to program into a remote
>wot?Like fully manual vs aperture priorty vs full automatic mode
>you'd have to know nothing about SLR cameras to be surprised by the viewfinder not working Because the way they work is that the mirror lets the image through the viewfinder, and when taking a shot it moves out of the way so the light can hit the sensor, and light hitting the sensor is how it would preview the image on the LCD screen and/or on the phone? I just forgot that's how they work, I guess. This one really IS just me being stupid and forgetful
>why the fuck do you even want to remote control it...I wanted to be able to still set the shot up using the viewfinder, but then trigger the shutter with different combinations of exposure settings without touching the camera again. I also wanted navigating the settings to be done through the camera's LCD menu since it's more intuitive then the app's menu, and to be able to still look through the gallery on the camera's LCD display (just navigating using the remote) because my phone screen is ass and it won't let me view the photos at the full resolution wheras I can zoom in on the full res image through the camera's menus